Transplant Technologies

Transplant Technologies -  Strip vs Fue

Following is an overview of hair transplantation methods used today:

  • Strip method or FUT (follicular unit transplantation), a conventional method of hair restoration. 
  • Automated FUE with NeoGraft, the newest and most advanced method of hair transplantation.

From a surgical standpoint, the “strip” method or FUT is a surgically invasive procedure. With this method, hair at the back of scalp is cut short and a section of scalp is surgically excised. The wound created by the incision is then stitched or stapled together. Next, the excised portion of the scalp is divided and placed under several microscopes where technicians using sharp blades separate grafts into units of one to four hairs. While the technicians are separating the grafts, the physician creates the hairline and recipient sites using a needle or a specific blade.  Once the recipient sites are created, the grafts are then placed into the sites using forceps. Grafts with a single hair are placed in the front, to give a natural hairline.  The rest are placed behind to give the recipient area density.

Automated FUE with NeoGraft
The newest most advanced method of hair transplantation is Automated FUE utilizing NeoGraft. The NeoGraft procedure removes individual hair follicles from the scalp in their naturally occurring groupings of about 1 - 4 hairs per follicle. A NeoGraft procedure can be completed in the same amount of time as a traditional “strip” hair transplant, reducing the cost of a long manual FUE transplant. Approximately 2,000 grafts per day can be harvested using NeoGraft. NeoGraft uses pneumatic pressure to extract the follicles and precisely implant them as well. This eliminates the need for touching the follicles with forceps during harvesting leaving them in a more robust state.

Quicker recovery with NeoGraft and no unsightly linear scars.

Given the choice, most hair restoration patients prefer the less minimally invasive NeoGraft procedure versus the more invasive “strip” surgery.  NeoGraft is the most recently developed hair transplant procedure that does not involve incisions like the "strip" method still used by doctors today. With NeoGraft, there is no cutting of the scalp and therefore no suturing and no visible scarring. There is virtually no bleeding and almost immediate surgical recovery. Patients are often back to work the next day.

It is important that you select the right surgeon for your hair restoration. Final hairline design results still are dependent upon the skill and artistic abilities of the surgeon performing the procedure. Hair transplant procedures encompass cosmetic surgery. These artistic skills and abilities can often be qualified by researching the results of other facial cosmetic procedures these surgeons do on the face and head. The important thing is to do your homework and pick a surgeon that is uniquely qualified to handle your hair restoration needs.

Dr. Bacon is a member of the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery. To learn more about hair loss and if transplantation is a solution for you, schedule a free consultation today with Dr. Bacon.